
The package intends to be a drop-in replacement for logging.Logger objects.

It supports standard the logging API:

log.debug(message, *args)
log.info(message, *args)
log.warning(message, *args)
log.error(message, *args)
log.critical(message, *args)

As well as convenience methods:

log.warn(message, *args)  # WARNING

log.d(message, *args)     # DEBUG
log.i(message, *args)     # INFO
log.w(message, *args)     # WARNING
log.e(message, *args)     # ERROR

And programmatic logging:

log.log(level, message, *args)


Set the format for all logging handlers:

log.init(format="%(levelname)s: %(name)s: %(message)s")

Set the logging level for specific named loggers:

log.silence('werkzeug', 'requests', allow_warning=True)